Program Director, Project Unify, Tasmania Police

Mark Mewis joined Tasmania Police in 1981 and has served in various policing positions over that time, including duties as an investigator, intelligence officer, staff officer and project manager.

He worked on Australian organised crime during a secondment to the then Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence (later the Australian Crime and Intelligence Commission), and later led Project Meridian, a major reform program for Tasmania Police, travelling to the United Kingdom and Singapore to explore new and emerging technologies and advances in policing practices.

Mark was promoted to the rank of Commander in 2011, and has been responsible for the Human Resources command, the Operations Support command and served as the Director, Strategic Projects.

Mark is currently the Program Director for Project Unify, a major investment program seeking to deliver a single integrated operational policing information system, together with improved public facing service portals.

He holds a Graduate Certificate in Applied Management, and a Masters in Police Studies, and was as recognised in the 2012 New Year’s Honours List by being awarded the Australian Police Medal (APM) for distinguished service.