
Global Collaboration: Societies of Evidence Based Policing

A world first collaboration of SEBP’s has seen police officers and staff, researchers and supporters of Evidence Based Policing from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, America and Canada come together to look at policing challenges that impact across the globe. More now than ever before, policing needs to be evidence based, and to make strategic policy and operational decisions that are informed and underpinned by the best available evidence. The aim of this collaboration is to share a selection of…

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WA Website Introduction

The Western Australia (WA) Police established its Evidence Based Policing Division (EBPD) in January 2015, as part of the Agency’s Frontline 2020 reform program. One of the key drivers of Frontline 2020 is to reduce demand on policing services, to which EBPD contributes through analysing research to identify, implement and evaluate policing strategies to understand what works, what doesn’t work and what is promising. EBPD develops practises targeting those areas and people responsible for the most harm in Western Australian communities. Methods are tested…

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