Policing Under Scrutiny: Leadership, Legitimacy and the Role of Evidence
The 2021 conference will be run in partnership with the New Zealand Police Evidence Based Policing Centre
The 2021 Australian and New Zealand Evidence Base Policing (ANZSEBP) Conference will take place for the first time in a fully online format and will provide the opportunity to reflect on the growing importance of embedding evidence based policing as part of a wider range of police activity.
The online format will allow unlimited attendees and a much higher capacity for presenters to participate in the programme. In addition, the format allows sessions to be recorded for on-demand viewing post-conference, to increase participation by delegates in all timezones around the world.
We welcome all participants with interest in Evidence-Based Policing from New Zealand, Australia and around the world
The conference is open to employees of state and territory and Commonwealth policing agencies (sworn and unsworn), researchers, students and representatives from other agencies working in partnership with the police and their agencies to reduce crime and improve community safety.
The organising committee is working tirelessly to produce an engaging and memorable programme that will showcase current concerns and developments in Evidence Based Policing, focussing on the conference theme of ‘Policing Under Scrutiny: Leadership, Legitimacy and the Role of Evidence‘.
The Organising Committee look forward to presenting the 2021 Conference which will explore the current and emerging issues that will shape the future.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa
The 2021 ANZSEBP Conference Organising Committee
For more information visit www.anzsebpconference.com.au